Oh dear, it's my first post. What in the world am I going to say? well, i will find out. Life happens and somehow i will find a way to document it in a somewhat readable format IN ENGLISH. For those who are reading this, This is supposed to be a somewhat private blog for freinds and family to read and keep in touch with me, if you want to just complain and nag go do it on my facebook or Email where I can filter or block the spam. Not that i get much spam I just don't want any, seeing that some of myfreinds get it all the time. Anyway I really hope this works out and that i will find the time to post things to keep these memories safe and sound and to share them with you. Some of the things i will be posting will be just pictures or short sentences about what I did on the weekend or just anything exciting thats happening, but some of these things may be just randomn things like a link to a video I like on Youtube or a funny picture or phrase I found on the internet. I think it would be kind of cool to show some of this to my kids one day and say "Hey look what I did as a kid!". Logging all this stuff could probably prove just as useful as it is fun.
Cool! Miranda! I love blogging!
Hi Miranda! I'm excited that you started a blog! I added you to my blog list so everyone can link to yours too.
our blog is: mollyandjohn.blogspot.com
yikes! you are very photogenic! You look like a model in this pic.
I did cheerleading in highschool. It was actually a lot of fun. Cool blog!
Hello my name is Miranda Swartz too.I'm sooooooooo exited that we have the same name. Thanks for making a blog you have inspired me to make one too!!
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